
Welcome to the web site of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council. The Council represents the interest of the residents of Braeside, Mannofield and Airhall area of Aberdeen Scotland. You can contact us at bandmcommcouncil@gmail.com

Doors Open Day

Once again, this year, the doors of a number of famous doors to public buildings will be throw open to allow admission to members of the public.  There are 41 buildings around the city that will be taking part in this years Doors Open Day to be held on Saturday 10 September and Sunday 11th September.  Some of the locations will be hosting events in which visitors can participate.

A free bus (from the new hydrogen fleet) to travel around the locations will be available and will leave Broad Street, outside Marischal College at regular intervals from 10am to 3pm

Those participating are:

St Andrews Cathedral                  The Tollbooth Museum
Aberdeen Sheriff Court                The Townhouse
Townhouse Extension                   Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Archives
The Advocates Library                 Marischal College
The Anatomy Rooms                    St Margaret's in the Gallowgate
Kirk of St Nicholas Uniting            St Mary's Chapel
Robert Gordon's College                Seventeen Belmont Street
Belmont Filmhouse                       St Mary's Cathedral
Crown Terrace Baptist Church        Freemason's Hall
Ferryhill Parish Church                   Synagogue, Dee Street
Trinity Hall                                   Rosemount Community Centre
CLAN House                                  Sea Cadets
Beach Ballroom                              Institute of Medical Sciences
Suttie Centre                                 Rowatt Institute of Nutritional Health
James Hutton Institute                  Crematorium
King's Chapel                                Robert Gordon University - Sir Ian Wood Building
King's Museum                             The Lodge of Old Aberdeen No 164
St Machar's Cathedral                   Aberdeen Biodiversity Centre
Zoology Museum                          Zoology Building Teaching Lab
Bucksburn Police Station              Carmelite Hotel
St John the Evangelist Episcopal Church and Mosque

For more information visit the face book page by clicking here.

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