
Welcome to the web site of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council. The Council represents the interest of the residents of Braeside, Mannofield and Airhall area of Aberdeen Scotland. You can contact us at bandmcommcouncil@gmail.com

Police Report - February 2018

Sergeant Simon Lewis-Dalby says, "During the reporting period there were no reports of theft by housebreaking, there have however been 3 break-ins and thefts from garages and sheds in Mannofield. We believe these continue to be by individuals looking to steal push bikes. In all instances either cycles or power tools were taken.  Whilst it would seem overkill we would remind people to chain their cycles up even when in a locked garage, particularly if they are on view from a garage window.

Once again, we ask that anyone seen hanging around the rear of properties and in common lanes in
suspicious circumstances is reported to us.

The theft from the motor vehicle was from an unlocked car with valuables on display the culprits stole small amounts of loose change and personal items, as keyless entry becomes far more common in vehicles we would ask you to check the door is locked when you leave the vehicle.

Our team is committed to keeping the community safe, preventing and detecting crime. If you
think something just isn't right, trust your judgement and give us a call right away, either as an
emergency on 999 or to the Service Centre on 101. Quick and effective reporting allows our team
to react accordingly and maximise the opportunity to apprehend offenders."

Can you help us?
Whilst we rely on trends, analysis and sometimes a good old fashioned Police Officers feeling
about something, in many instances it is often the local householder who notices something out
of the ordinary first. Reporting your suspicions to us will assist us greatly in being able to take local action on behalf of local people.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks for the overwhelming support our
feedback plans have received. We will feed back to the individual Community Councils on the
specific points they have raised.

Addressing Local Concerns
Over the next month in response to local concerns we plan to conduct speed and safety checks
around our local Primary Schools to ensure drivers are doing all they can to keep OUR children

The local policing team are based at Whinhill and request that if any suspicious activity is seen they are contacted, either as an emergency on 999 or on the Police Scotland Service Centre at 101.

Follow the Local Policing Team on Twitter @NorthEPolice #HazleheadCPT

Also available are the three following contact email addresses for the Hazlehead Policing team:


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