
Welcome to the web site of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council. The Council represents the interest of the residents of Braeside, Mannofield and Airhall area of Aberdeen Scotland. You can contact us at bandmcommcouncil@gmail.com

Community Choir Meeting

As reported earlier, The Community Council is working with the West Locality Leadership Group in establishing the feasibility of forming a Community Choir in the area. The formation of a choir will have a number of benefits to individuals and the community as a whole.

The meeting to consider the formation of a Community Choir was held at Airyhall Library on 10 April. Although the weather was unkind with rain and wind, almost 30 people braved the elements and came along.
The initiative was well supported by those who attended and it was decided that the choir would meet at Airyhall Library every Tuesday at 6.30pm.  Attendees were keen to ensure that the objective of the group was to meet, sing and socialise and that there should be a broad music selection rather than any particular format.  It was agreed that a nominal fee of £2 per week would be levied toward the cost of hiring the room.

There was an obvious lack of male singers, with only two men attending. Gents, if you have an interest and fancy exercising your vocal chords, you will be made most welcome or, ladies, if you know of a man with a good voice who might be interested please encourage them to join in.

The more people who come along, the more fun the evenings will be - so, if you are interested in singing, playing a musical instrument or helping the choir in some other way get in touch or just come along to a meeting.  If you want more details then email Audrey Harvey on audreyharvey@talktalk.net

Further details on organisation and the way ahead will be discussed at the next meeting but, attendees were assured that at that meeting….the singing begins.

The next meeting of the choir will be held at Airyhall Library at 6.30pm on Tuesday 17 April 2018


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