
Welcome to the web site of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council. The Council represents the interest of the residents of Braeside, Mannofield and Airhall area of Aberdeen Scotland. You can contact us at bandmcommcouncil@gmail.com

Busy Times!

Members recently reviewed our achievements over the past three years. The Community Council was re-established in October 2015 after a period of inactivity. Since then, the Community Council has been active on a number of fronts:

Roads Issues – 
  • The Community Council has raised issues with the City Council and Police Scotland regarding speeding in Craigton Road, exploring speed limits, speed gateways and more rigorous speeding enforcement
  • Placement of Speed Indication Device in Craigton Road
  • Persuading Aberdeen City Council Roads Dept to review the need for a crossing at Great Western Road at TESCO
  • Seeking a review of bus turning capability at Craigton Road/Springfield Road
  • Requesting an extension of speed limit in North Deeside Road at Northcote Road.

Environmental Issues – 
  • Pursued the renewal and replacement of roadside trees in the area
  • Raised issues about dog fouling with Environmental Health
  • Provided flower boxes at the Airyhall Library
  • Made representations regarding the retention of phone kiosks
  • Commented on a number of planning issues in the area
  • Established a web presence with local information and updates
  • Represent the community on the West Locality Leadership Group
  • Work with local councillors and Police Scotland to improve our locality

Bus Services – 
  • Active in pursuing provision of bus services in Airyhall 
  • Instrumental in the provision of evening bus service in Airyhall
  • Raising issues with First Aberdeen regarding 15 and 19 bus service

Funding Initiatives - 
  • Provision of a public bench in Springfield Road
  • Assisted a local initiative of flower planting 
  • Sponsored a Chair at the Mannofield Church
  • Assisting local care homes with Christmas celebrations
  • Making a donation to the work of the friends of Johnston Gardens
  • Provide Shoe ice grippers to vulnerable members of the community
  • Assisted the local scout group in purchase of essential scouting equipment
  • Assisted in the formation of a Community Choir

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