
Welcome to the web site of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council. The Council represents the interest of the residents of Braeside, Mannofield and Airhall area of Aberdeen Scotland. You can contact us at bandmcommcouncil@gmail.com

New Community Council

Following the Community Council elections in October the following were appointed as Community Councillors for the next three years.

At the Community Council meeting on the 27th November the office bearers were appointed and Anne Simpson was co-opted to the Council.

Audrey Harvey (Vice Chair)
Charles Lowe
Seumus Macinnes
Naomi Mandel (Chair)
Keith Pirie (Secretary)
Patricia Reid
Ken Reilly (Licensing and Planning)
Anne Simpson
William Stevenson

The Community Council is still looking for new members.  If you are interested in, or want to find out more about the work of the Community Council, email the Secretary for more information, or come along to one of our meetings.

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