
Welcome to the web site of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council. The Council represents the interest of the residents of Braeside, Mannofield and Airhall area of Aberdeen Scotland. You can contact us at bandmcommcouncil@gmail.com

Police Report - May 2019

The following report has been received from Sgt Lewis-Dalby regarding our Community Council area.

"This report covers progress we have made in dealing with your priorities for the Braeside & Mannofield Community Council area during the period 1 st May to 31 st May 2019.

The report aims to highlight emerging issues in your area, and to provide crime prevention advice and guidance to Community Council members and residents you represent.  Our focus is to reduce crime and disorder, help create safer communities and respond effectively to local concerns.

Community Policing Priorities
Antisocial behaviour, Violence and Disorder: 
Although we have had no reports of off road motor cycles on the Deeside Railway line they have been seen in other local areas. We
have operation Armour running specifically to combat these issues. Please can you call us at the time you see them with a description of the bike and the what the rider was wearing, calling us saying you saw three motor cycles a couple of hours ago with no description is of little practicable use.

There have been no reported vandalisms or assaults during this period.

Acquisitive Crime:
There has been a report of sneak in theft of car keys and the subsequent theft of the car in addition to a number of alloy wheels taken from a garage.

Please remember to lock your homes, vehicles and garages. There are people who come into our area from elsewhere in the city for the specific purpose of preying upon us. Please make their journey a waste of time. Should you see someone hanging about and think it’s not quite right please call us.

Road Safety &Road Crime:
In response to your requests Officers will be taking a robust approach balancing education with enforcement to ensure the relatively small minority who are responsible for committing offences and antisocial behaviour with vehicles are held accountable for their actions.  We will be working with partners and making use of antisocial behaviour legislation.  Residents in the areas affected by antisocial driving are encouraged to contact Police on 101 at the time to report incidents in order for us to take positive action.

Community Engagement & Reassurance
At this time of year I would like to take a moment to reinforce our community safety and crime prevention message in relation to thefts, fraud and youth annoyance.

There are people who come in to our area to take advantage of your trusting and generous nature. They will steal from your unlocked garage, shed and even house, they will convince your elderly relative they need building work done and charge a small fortune for it.

Can I ask that you lock your property and secure the valuables inside to something, with many cycles costing as much as a first car leaving them insecure in a Garage with only a standard lock is just plain folly. Similarly with lock your tools and garden equipment away. Please take advantage of a home security survey by contacting us   AiryhallBroomhillGarthdeeCPT@Scotland.pnn.police.uk

Please remember that no matter how plausible or convincing the "security alert on your account"
may seem , the police officer/bank manager/security expert


Please look here and ensure your seniors or perhaps less tech savvy community members are aware.


Finally as the longer nights and warmer weather mean young people are out longer please have some thought as to where your children are playing, no doubt you're sure it’s the local park or a friend's house however it could well be the local building site/derelict school. When it comes to youth disorder and just plain bad behaviour we do not bring young people in from other parts of the City just to behave badly in our area, by and large it's our own children and we need to be responsible for them.

I frequently mention at local meetings we are an information hungry organisation and we thrive on what you tell us, please think of the above and if you have any concerns, thoughts, queries or questions let us know. AiryhallBroomhillGarthdeeCPT@Scotland.pnn.police.uk

I would also invite you to let us know where you think we can assist your community over the summer months. Whilst many of the things that annoy people are just that annoyances and not for the Police, many aren’t. I would like you to think of the things you think we should know whether it be off road bikes, youth disturbance, speeding, underage drinking, please don’t always assume someone else has told us we would rather hear about something seven times than not at all.

We, your local policing team are driven by what you tell us, so please take this opportunity to contact us AiryhallBroomhillGarthdeeCPT@Scotland.pnn.police.uk and let us know. You might be surprised that we are addressing the issues you present and that your information will make our response that little bit more effective in meeting local needs.

You can no doubt sense I am pushing our Local CPT Email inboxes, for you in our area we are trying to make them the equivalent of the informal chat over a garden fence, they are not for ongoing crimes but they absolutely are for you to tell us everything else.

National Campaigns
Door step crime increases with the lighter nights this time of year, often in the guise of Bogus Workmen they pray on the elderly and other vulnerable groups in our community. If someone you know is suddenly getting work done in their property that they have never mentioned, ask them about it, if it seems suspicious contact either ourselves or our partners within Aberdeen City Council Trading Standards.

What to know more about how we measure up, this is where to find out.

Follow us on Twitter @NorthEPolice #WestEndCPT
Also available are the three following contact email addresses for the West End:

Contact Us
Please also remember you can communicate with us using any of the following:
101 – Non emergency;
Email - AiryhallBroomhillGarthdeeCPT@Scotland.pnn.police.uk;
Facebook – www.facebook.com/NorthEastPoliceDivision;
Web – www.scotland.police.uk;
999 – Emergency;
0800 555 111 - Crimestoppers.

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