
Welcome to the web site of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council. The Council represents the interest of the residents of Braeside, Mannofield and Airhall area of Aberdeen Scotland. You can contact us at bandmcommcouncil@gmail.com

Don't be a victim

We have been advised of a number of houses being entered, or having attempts made to enter, in the Deeside, Great Western Road and Culter areas over the past week. A thief, or thieves, appear to be targeting our area.

Please make sure that you keep doors locked and windows closed, even when you are in. Lights on timer switches will give the impression you are home if you go out at night. Make sure you lock your car when you leave it. These few simple steps will reduce the risk of you becoming a victim of these criminals.

Finally if you see anyone or anything suspicious then do not hesitate to contact police Scotland on the emergency 999 number.

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