
Welcome to the web site of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council. The Council represents the interest of the residents of Braeside, Mannofield and Airhall area of Aberdeen Scotland. You can contact us at bandmcommcouncil@gmail.com

Police Report - January 2020

The Local Community Policing Team have sent us their circular for January 2020

Community Policing Priorities
Antisocial behaviour, Violence and Disorder: 
There were no instances to report during the period.

Acquisitive Crime:
A male was disturbed within the garden of a property during the early hours of the morning in the Seafield area at the start of January.

A further incident occurred in the Craigielea area toward the end of January whereby a male was disturbed within a property overnight, having entered via an insecure door. This occurred around the same time as reports of several thefts or attempted thefts from motor vehicles and properties throughout the West End area. Please ensure your front and back doors are routinely locked, regardless of whether you are at home or not, as well as your vehicles.

Officers are conducting regular patrols during the relevant times and there are positive lines of enquiry currently ongoing into these offences.

A man was arrested and charged in connection to the theft from Mannofield Church, referred to in last month’s report. 

Road Safety & Road Crime:
The festive drink drive campaign has now concluded. Local officers from the West End and Hazlehead Community Policing Team conducted 68 negative breath tests during the period, with one person charged in relation to the new drug driving legislation.

Community Engagement & Reassurance
Public consultation on policing future now open.  ​Policing in Scotland is asking the public for their views on how to serve our communities in the future.

A draft of the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) and Police Scotland’s new Joint Strategy for Policing was agreed at a meeting in Edinburgh on Friday, 17 January. The document details the increasing requirements on officers and staff and the changing nature of society and crime, as well as setting out environmental and financial challenges to the sustainability of policing.

The joint strategy and information on how to submit your views can found here:

We welcome the views of our partners, the public and the communities we serve to ensure the strategic direction set out in the document meets their expectations and addresses key issues for policing in the coming years.

The consultation will remain open until March 2 and submissions will be considered before the Joint Strategy for Policing is finalised and considered again by the Scottish Police Authority before being laid before Parliament.

Want to know more about how we measure up, this is where to find out:

Follow us on Twitter @NorthEPolice #WestEndCPT

Also available are the three following contact email addresses for the West End:


The primary purpose of these e-mail addresses is for residents to report non-criminal queries, such as passing attentions, information, advice and non-criminal quality of life issues, such as youth annoyance. These e-mail addresses are not for reporting crimes or offences. The process for reporting any crimes or offences is to call 101, where our Service Centre will log the call on our Command and Control system and allocate the incident to our area. Using this process negates the possibility of the
report being missed and also ensures that the caller’s details, addresses and telephone numbers are noted for our awareness and response.

Should you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to discuss these with the Officer attending your Community Council Meeting or by emailing the above e-mail addresses or our Service Centre. It is not necessary to wait until the meeting and your local CPT Inspector, PI Sim welcomes your contact.

Contact Us
Please also remember you can communicate with us using any of the following:
Non emergency               Dial 101
Email -                            CPT@Scotland.pnn.police.uk
Facebook                         www.facebook.com/NorthEastPoliceDivision
Website                            www.scotland.police.uk
Emergency                      Dial 999
Crimestoppers                 Dial 0800 555 111

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