
Welcome to the web site of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council. The Council represents the interest of the residents of Braeside, Mannofield and Airhall area of Aberdeen Scotland. You can contact us at bandmcommcouncil@gmail.com

Police Report - April 2020

This report covers progress Police Scotland have made in dealing with the local priorities during April 2020.

The report highlights emerging issues in the area, and provide crime prevention advice and guidance. to Community Council members and residents in the Community Council area.  The focus is to reduce crime and disorder, help create safer communities and respond effectively to local concerns.

Community Policing Priorities
Antisocial behaviour, Violence and Disorder: 
During the period there have been a couple of reports to Police regards people not adhering to Government Guidance relating to COVID-19, namely, STAY HOME, PROTECT THE NHS, SAVE LIVES. Police have attended and provided suitable guidance to the persons involved.

Acquisitive Crime:
There has been 1 report of a Theft of Motor Vehicle during the period, a press release was issued online whereby a member of the public led Police to recover the vehicle. Enquiries are ongoing to establish if a crime has occurred as opposed to a false call with good intent.

Road Safety & Road Crime:
There were no incidents of note during the period in relation to this. We continue to work with partners in response to specific complaints in terms of road traffic offences and to make use of antisocial behaviour legislation. Residents in the areas affected by antisocial driving are encouraged to contact Police on 101 at the time to report incidents in order for us to take positive action.

Community Engagement & Reassurance
These continue to be unprecedented and challenging times for everyone as the country continues to deal with the Covid-19 outbreak. Rest assured Police Scotland, and of course your local CPT Officers, remain committed to keeping people safe from harm and dealing effectively with those who break the law during this difficult time.

The Chief Constable of Police Scotland recently appeared on Television (10th April 2020) with the First Minister of Scotland where he addressed the people of Scotland. Below is a transcript of the piece and we at the CPT very much echo his comments.

“Compliance has been very high in Scotland and I thank the public for their overwhelming co-operation and commitment.” “Our officers and staff are in community’s right across Scotland 24 hours a day, at times putting themselves in harm’s way and I pay tribute to them and thank them for that. Social distancing, staying at home, are the key interventions to curtail the spread of coronavirus.”

“Policing in Scotland will always seek to be fair, reasonable and proportionate”. “Please - stay home; stay safe; and follow the guidance. Do not make personal exemptions bespoke to your own circumstances.” “If you are out and about, officers may ask you why. I would encourage you to engage with officers, explain your circumstances, then listen to and act upon any advice given.”

“I recognise this is an extremely difficult time, we would all be expecting to be out and about, enjoying the good weather and seeing family and friends. But I ask that everyone accepts the changes to our daily lives and the personal sacrifices required. Because, ultimately, it will be to the benefit of us all.” “If we all do the right thing to maintain social distancing, stay home and keep safe, we will protect the NHS.”

“If you need help or support from the police service contact us. “Please, please, stick with it; obey the law; continue to play your part; and lives will be saved.”

Want to know more about how we measure up, this is where to find out: http://www.scotland.police.uk/about-us/our-performance/

Follow us on Twitter @NorthEPolice #WestEndCPT

Also available are the three following contact email addresses for the West End:

The primary purpose of these e-mail addresses is for residents to report non-criminal queries, such as passing attentions, information, advice and non-criminal quality of life issues, such as youth annoyance. These e-mail addresses are not for reporting crimes or offences. The process for reporting any crimes or offences is to call 101, where our Service Centre will log the call on our Command and
Control system and allocate the incident to our area. Using this process negates the possibility of the report being missed and also ensures that the caller’s details, addresses and telephone numbers are noted for our awareness and response.

Should you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to discuss these with the Officer attending your Community Council Meeting or by emailing the above e-mail addresses or our Service Centre. It is not necessary to wait until the meeting and your local CPT Inspector, PI Sim welcomes your contact.

Contact Us
Please also remember you can communicate with us using any of the following:
Non emergency               Dial 101
Email -                            CPT@Scotland.pnn.police.uk
Facebook                         www.facebook.com/NorthEastPoliceDivision
Website                            www.scotland.police.uk
Emergency                      Dial 999
Crimestoppers                 Dial 0800 555 111

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