
Welcome to the web site of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council. The Council represents the interest of the residents of Braeside, Mannofield and Airhall area of Aberdeen Scotland. You can contact us at bandmcommcouncil@gmail.com

Self Isolation Grants

The Scottish Welfare Fund administer the Scottish Government Self Isolation Support Grants.

The grants are to assist people in receipt of low incomes to self-isolate to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This should support people to be able to afford to comply with the Test & Protect Service's requirement for them to self-isolate during the 10 day period. 

You may be eligible for a £500 payment if meet the following criteria:
  • Have been contacted and required by the Test and Protect Service to self-isolate (or equivalent service from elsewhere in the UK); or
  • have been notified by the Protect Scotland app (or equivalent app) to self-isolate and this requirement can be individually verified; or
  • you have been identified as the parent or primary carer of a child under 16 who has been required by the Test and Protect Service (or equivalent service from elsewhere in the UK) or the child school have given you notification to self-isolate.
In addition, you must
  • be employed or self-employed; and unable to work from home whilst self isolating; and
  • will experience loss of income as a result of self-isolating; and
  • are in receipt of Universal Credit, Working Tax Credit, Housing Benefit, Income Support, Income related Employment Support Allowance, Income based Job Seekers Allowance or Pension credit OR You have been awarded but not yet received a payment of universal credit, OR You think you may be eligible for universal credit based on your earnings prior to your isolation period.

Grants are paid per eligible person, not per household, therefore a couple who both meet the eligibility criteria for a grant will be paid £500 each, however only one claim per household can be made where a parent or primary carer is looking after a child under 16 who is required to isolate.

You will need to provide evidence as part of your application to verify your application

Evidence requirements:
  • Evidence that the Test & Protect Service has requested that you self-isolate,
  • Proof that you are in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits,
  • A bank statement,
  • Proof of employment/self-employment and that you cannot undertake your job/run your business without social contact or from home.
  • Proof that your pay/income will reduce as a result of having to self-isolate.

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