
Welcome to the web site of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council. The Council represents the interest of the residents of Braeside, Mannofield and Airhall area of Aberdeen Scotland. You can contact us at bandmcommcouncil@gmail.com

Police Report - August 2021

The local Community Policing Team have issue the following information for August -

As of Monday 9th August Scotland moved beyond Level 0 of the 5 Covid-19 protection levels laid out by the Scottish Government.

The below link is what can & cannot be done in beyond Level 0.


Community Policing Priorities
Antisocial behaviour, Violence and Disorder:

As we continue to see the restrictions ease and life return to elements of normality, we are observing an increase in traffic and footfall across the area. As always the vast majority of people continue to act kindly and within the law, however there are always one or two who do not for various reasons. That said over the past month officers have made enquires with below.

On the afternoon of Sunday the 1st August, Scottish Fire and Rescue were called to a small fire to a garden fence at property on Broomfield Road. Police were subsequently contacted regarding concerns it was wilful. Enquiries identified a young person as responsible who has subsequently been jointly reported to the Children’s Reporter and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS). 

On the night of Sunday 8th August officers responded to reports of an abusive male outside on Airyhall Drive, causing a disturbance, as a result the male was arrested and reported to the COPFS. 

Officers are investigating a Vandalism to a property on Broomhill Road, Aberdeen whereby the fence and windows were damaged. This has occurred about 10.30pm on Sunday 15th August.

In the small hours of Sunday 29th August officers were called to a disturbance at a block of flats on Great Western Road, it was found to be an ongoing party. The persons present were provided advices and warned regarding their behaviour.

Acquisitive Crime:
Officers investigated the Theft of tools from an insecure garden shed on Morningside Road, Aberdeen that occurred about 3.30pm on Wednesday 28th July (reported on 31st July). No persons have been identified to date as responsible. Anyone with information is asked to contact Police on 101 and quote incident number 2772 of the 31st July.

It is a timely reminder that thieves are generally opportunistic, so it is important that we do all we can to minimise the chance of becoming a victim of crime. Simple steps such as keeping doors and windows locked, valuables out of sight and even the use of motion sensor lights can help protect your property.

Road Safety & Road Crime:
There have been no incidents of note over the reporting period.  We continue to work with partners in response to specific complaints in terms of road traffic offences. Residents in the areas affected by antisocial driving are encouraged to contact Police on 101 at the time, to report incidents and provide as much description as possible of the vehicle(s)/person(s) in order for us to take positive action.

Community Engagement & Reassurance
I wanted to share the following link which is a booklet ‘Safer Communities Safer Scotland’ (SCSS) provided by Neighbourhood Watch Scotland in partnership with many partners inclusive of Police Scotland. The booklet is packed with practical tips on how to keep you, your family and your community safe – from protecting your home and possessions to helping your children enjoy the benefits of the internet in safety. 

The booklet can be ordered from Neighbourhood Watch Scotland in hard copy but can be viewed / downloaded via the following link free of charge with no registration or details required.

The topics covered are

 Home and Possessions
 Road Safety
 Scams
 Fire Safety
 Safety at Home
 Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks
 Staying Safe When Out and About
 Antisocial Behaviour
 Preparing for and coping with Emergencies
 Household emergency plan
 Water Safety
 Victim Support
 Don’t feel trapped by loan sharks
 Further Information
 Neighbourhood Watch


Follow us on Twitter @NorthEPolice #WestEndCPT

Also available are the three following contact email addresses for the West End:

Please also remember you can communicate with us using any of the following:

  101 – Non emergency;
  Twitter - @NorthEPolice;
  Facebook – www.facebook.com/NorthEastPoliceDivision;
  Web – www.scotland.police.uk;
  999 – Emergency;
  0800 555 111 - Crimestoppers.

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