
Welcome to the web site of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council. The Council represents the interest of the residents of Braeside, Mannofield and Airhall area of Aberdeen Scotland. You can contact us at bandmcommcouncil@gmail.com

First Aberdeen - Fare increases

First Aberdeen have announced fare revisions across their network to be implemented from Sunday 1st May 2022. The key fare changes are summarised below for information.
This is the first fare change on First Aberdeen services since July 2019 and First Aberdeen has advised that no fares will increase by more than the current CPI inflation rate and the newly designed options are better suited for the emergence of a hybrid working model and the end of the traditional five-day commute.

First will also continue to operate “tap and cap” which allows customers to enter a capping environment on any service across the First Aberdeen network using contactless payments. First’s system will then select the cheapest fare based on their usage so customer’s pay for the most appropriate ticket depending on how they use the bus in a single day.


Category                 Current            New         %Change
Adult 1-5 Stages     £1.70               £1.80        5.9%
Adult  6+ Stages     £2.70               £2.85        5.6%
Child                      £1.25               £1.30        4.0%
P&R                                               £1.30        N/A

A new 2 trip ticket will be introduced, which must be used within 24 hours:

                               On Bus            App 
Adult £4.20 £4.20


Category              On Bus     On Bus     %Change      App        App   %Change
                            Current     New                         Current   New
Adult                   £4.40        £4.70        6.8%           £4.20     £4.45    6.0% 
Child                   £2.60        £2.75        5.8%           £2.50     £2.50    6.0%
Student               £3.80        £4.00        5.3%           £3.70     £3.95    6.8%
Family/Group      £8.00        £8.50        6.3%           £7.50     £8.00    6.7%

This is a new range of Flexible Day Tickets, available in the First App only, to better  suit hybrid working and represent better value for customers who currently purchase  weekly or monthly tickets,

The new options provide: 

3-in-7: 3 day tickets to be used over a 7 day period. 

5-in-7: 5 day tickets to be used over a 7 day period 

15-in-28: 15 day tickets to be used over a 28 day period.

Category                 3-in7                5-in-7          15-in28
Adult                       £13.00             £17.50         £52.00
Student                    £11.50             £16.00         £47.00


Category       On Bus      On Bus     %Change         App            App      %Change
                      Current      New                            Current       New
Adult             £18.00       £19.20        6.7%           £16.99     £18.10        6.5% 
Child             £8.90         £9.50          6.7%           £8.50       £9.00          5.9%
Student         £16.00       £17.00        6.3%           £15.50     £16.50        6.8%


Category                 Current             New          % Change
Adult                       £64.99             £69.50         6.9%
Child                       £31.99             £34.20          6.9%
Student                    £54.00             £57.50         6.5%

If you require any further information or wish to discuss the matter further, please do  not hesitate to contact the team at publictransport@aberdeencity.gov.uk.  

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