
Welcome to the web site of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council. The Council represents the interest of the residents of Braeside, Mannofield and Airhall area of Aberdeen Scotland. You can contact us at bandmcommcouncil@gmail.com

Police Report - January 2018

Sergeant Simon Lewis-Dalby says, "During the month;y reporting period there were 3 reports of theft in the Mannofield area. As has previously been the case thieves continue to target a mix of houses and their garages looking to steal push bikes.  In addition, the vandalisms reported in the area relate to damage to garages so we again appeal for information if anyone seen hanging around the rear of properties and in common lanes in suspicious circumstances.

The drugs report in the Mannofield areas are followed a landlord discovering drugs in their rented premises.

The antisocial behaviour in all areas is a mix of general alcohol fuelled bad behaviour late in the evenings by persons walking home from the City centre and some minor youth annoyances predominantly youths throwing snowballs and persons ringing and knocking on doors.

Can you help us?

The importance of the relationship between you the Community Council and us your CPT in
preventing crime cannot be underestimated, you are an integral part of our community and as
such have access to information and opinions not open or readily accessible to us.

Whilst we rely on trends, analysis and sometimes a good old fashioned Police Officers feeling about something, in many instances it is often the local  householder who notices something out of the ordinary first.

Over recent years we have delivered figures to the meetings and whilst figures in context can be important to enable an informed view, We would like to have some of the time we spend with you being where you can fulfil that most important of Community Council roles, feeding back to us about local concerns and issues. This will assist us greatly in being able to take local action on behalf of local people.

Addressing Local Concerns
Over the next month in response to local concerns we plan to conduct speed enforcement In the Springhill Road / Countesswells Road / Queens Road / Craigton Road / Great Western road areas.

The local policing team are based at Whinhill and request that if any suspicious activity is seen they are contacted, either as an emergency on 999 or on the Police Scotland Service Centre at 101.

Follow the Local Policing Team on Twitter @NorthEPolice   #HazleheadCPT

Also available are the three following contact email addresses for the Hazlehead Policing team:

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