
Welcome to the web site of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council. The Council represents the interest of the residents of Braeside, Mannofield and Airhall area of Aberdeen Scotland. You can contact us at bandmcommcouncil@gmail.com

Palm Court - Application to Extend Opening Hours

The Palm Court Hotel in Seafield Road has applied for an extension to their licence to allow them to keep the bar and function rooms open until 2am on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

The Community Council has been invited to comment on the proposal.

In order to represent the views of members of our community, you are invited to indicate, in the attached poll, whether you support or object to the extension application of their terminal hour. 

All comments have to be submitted to Aberdeen City Council by 7 March.  The poll will remain open until midnight on Wednesday 2nd March.


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