
Welcome to the web site of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council. The Council represents the interest of the residents of Braeside, Mannofield and Airhall area of Aberdeen Scotland. You can contact us at bandmcommcouncil@gmail.com

Police Report - January 2022

The following information has been forwarded from our local Policing Team:

"This report covers progress we have made in dealing with your priorities for the Braeside & Mannofield Community Council area during the last week in December 2021 up until the end of January 2022.

The report aims to highlight emerging issues in your area, and to provide crime prevention advice and guidance to Community Council members and residents you represent. Our focus is to reduce crime and disorder, help create safer communities and respond effectively to local concerns.

Community Policing Priorities
Antisocial behaviour, Violence and Disorder:
Officers this month are investigating the vandalism to a motor vehicle parked unattended on Airyhall Road, whereby the tyres were damaged deliberately. This appears an isolated incident with no other vehicles damaged or reports of similar incidents. This occurred sometime between Thursday the 24th and Saturday 26th December.

On the afternoon of Saturday 29th January Police received reports of an egg having been thrown at a window at a property on Deeside Gardens, no damage was caused and no persons have been seen and, officers will carry out patrols in the area.

Acquisitive Crime:
Officers are investigating the theft of two pedal cycles that have occurred this month. One was stolen from an insecure Garden shed in the Duthie Terrace area sometime between Friday the 19th November and Friday 26th November, however was not reported to Police until the 5th of January. The owner has
been provided with suitable crime prevention advice.

Sometime between Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th January a secured pedal cycle was stolen from outside a property at Craigton Court, with the lock also having been stolen. Enquiries are ongoing.

I continue to encourage us all to remain vigilant, to report suspicious activity timeously via 101 or 999 if a crime is in progress. More information on bicycle security can be found on the Police Scotland Internet site or by the following link.

Road Safety & Road Crime:
There have been no specific incidents of note in relation to Road Safety / Road Crime this month.

We continue to work with partners in response to specific complaints in terms of road traffic offences. Residents in the areas affected by antisocial driving are encouraged to contact Police on 101 at the time, to report incidents and provide as much description as possible of the vehicle(s)/person(s) in order for us to take positive action.

Community Engagement & Reassurance
This month I have continued my drive to put out information on how to avoid scams. I make no apologies for sharing the the advice from Age Scotland which gives clear and concise advice on

  • What is a Scam?
  • Different types of scams (Doorstep / Telephone / Mail / Online).
  • What to look out for.
  • What you can do.
  • How to report a scam and further advice.

As always, if you see or are the victim of crime please do report this as below.

Follow us on Twitter @NorthEPolice #WestEndCPT

Also available are the three following contact email addresses for the West End:

The primary purpose of this information is for residents to report non-criminal queries, such as passing attentions, information, advice and non-criminal quality of life issues, such as youth annoyance. These e-mail addresses are not for reporting crimes or offences. The process for reporting any crimes or offences is to call 101, where our Service Centre will log the call on our Command and Control system and allocate the incident to our area. Using this process negates the possibility of the report being missed and also ensures that the caller’s details, addresses and telephone numbers are noted for our awareness and response.

Should you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to discuss these with the Officer attending your Community Council Meeting or by emailing the above e-mail addresses or our Service Centre. It is not necessary to wait until the meeting and your local CPT Inspector, PI Sim welcomes your contact.

Contact Us

Please also remember you can communicate with us using any of the following:

🕾 101 – Non emergency;
🖱 Twitter - @NorthEPolice;
🖱 Facebook – www.facebook.com/NorthEastPoliceDivision;
🖱 Web – www.scotland.police.uk;
🕾 999 – Emergency;
🕾 0800 555 111 - Crimestoppers."

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