
Welcome to the web site of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council. The Council represents the interest of the residents of Braeside, Mannofield and Airhall area of Aberdeen Scotland. You can contact us at bandmcommcouncil@gmail.com

Great Western Road Medical Practice Position Statement - Update

Following the position statement placed on the Great Western Road Medical Practice facebook page on 10 March, the Community Council wrote to the practice manager asking for a little more clarification on the statement that it thought was vague, short on detail and lacking in transparency. 

The Community Council pointed out that the statement had raised concerns in the community that the practice was at risk of imminent closure.

The Community Council asked the practice manager if more information could be shared with them and invited a member of their team to address the Community Council meeting on the 22 March.

In a bid "to allay community concerns" the practice was also invited to consider reviewing/updating the practice update to be a little more transparent with the problems being faced, the steps being taken and the ramifications for their patients and the local community.

On Monday, 14 March the following response was received:

"Thank you for your email of 11/03/22.

We have no further information to share beyond our statement on our website and our Facebook page.

As we said in our statement, we will keep our patients up to date with any confirmed changes as soon as we are able.

Yours sincerely,
Partner, Great Western Medical Practice."

The Community Council are disappointed with the brevity of the response from the Great Western Road Medical Practice and that they have declined the opportunity to quash rumours, alleviate resident and patient concerns on its future and indicate what changes are being considered.  

The Community Council regrets, that it cannot, at this time, update residents in the area as to medical provision we can expect from the medical centre going forward, however this article in the Press and Journal may shed some light on the issue.  Aberdeen medical practice considering merger amid collapse fears (pressandjournal.co.uk)

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