
Welcome to the web site of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council. The Council represents the interest of the residents of Braeside, Mannofield and Airhall area of Aberdeen Scotland. You can contact us at bandmcommcouncil@gmail.com

Public Consultation - James Hutton Institute

The James Hutton Institute are holding consultation sessions regarding their plans to develop the site at the former MacCaulay Research grounds in MacCaulay Drive.  The institute has a vision of creating a scientific campus that will attract soil and environmental research from all over the world.

The James Hutton Institute say;
"The aim of this public consultation is to share the Institute’s vision for the future of the campus, and seek feedback from colleagues, neighbours and all interested groups. 

This consultation will take you through the vision, masterplan and first stage in delivery with indicative details of a new access into the site. We would welcome your feedback on the content presented and on the consultation.

A public drop-in event will take place on Wednesday 9 March 2022 at Craigiebuckler, from 2:00 to 8:00 pm. Following this session, public information will remain available on site for members of the public to view until Wednesday 23 March.

We will gather your comments and answer queries where possible. Your feedback will be used to inform the proposal as it progresses."

The consultation document can be viewed by clicking here and interested parties can provide their views by completing a feedback form available by clicking here

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