
Welcome to the web site of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council. The Council represents the interest of the residents of Braeside, Mannofield and Airhall area of Aberdeen Scotland. You can contact us at bandmcommcouncil@gmail.com

Local Police Report - May 2022

This report is from our Local Community Policing Team in dealing with policing priorities for the area during May 2022.

Community Policing Priorities
Antisocial behaviour, Violence and Disorder:
Police have not received any calls over the month of May in relation to anti-social behaviour in the area.  That said at the last meeting of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council on Tuesday 24th May a few members raised concerns in relation to a group of young people causing issues in the small hours (0245-0345 hours) in the Braeside and Airyhall area, regards vandalism, ringing doorbells, removal of waste bins and running away,  Local officers have been tasked with carrying out patrols in the area, to identify those responsible and deal proportionately with any offences.

Acquisitive Crime:
There have been no recorded incidents of acquisitive crime in the area over the month of May. However, that said, criminals are active in and across the City of Aberdeen, so it is imperative that we each remain vigilant, report suspicious activity, passing as much detail as possible to Police Scotland. In addition please continue to take simple crime reduction steps such, keeping doors, windows and vehicles locked, utilise internal lighting on timers, consider motion sensing lighting externally and if you can afford it, consider CCTV.

Road Safety&Road Crime:
There have been no specific incidents of note in relation to Road Safety / Road Crime this month. However in response to ongoing concerns around anti-social driving across the Community Policing Team area, officers did carry out an operation over the weekend of Friday 27th Sunday 29th May. As a result 13 motorists were provided advice, 4 received ASBO warnings, a further 4 were charged and reported for Road Traffic Offences, including speeding and Dangerous Driving. 

We continue to work with partners in response to specific complaints in terms of road traffic offences. Residents in the areas affected by antisocial driving are encouraged to contact Police on 101 at the time, to report incidents and provide as much description as possible of the vehicle(s)/person(s) in order for us to take positive action.

Community Engagement & Reassurance
Police Scotland is inviting views from the public in 2022-23 Police Scotland has continued to meet the needs of communities during a demanding and difficult period for the people of Scotland.  Understanding the views and priorities of Scotland's diverse communities is fundamental to how Police Scotland responds to the needs of the public. Public engagement activities help the service improve how it delivers policing services in local communities, ensuring they are accessible and inclusive for everyone.

The Your Police 2022-23 survey has been designed to listen and to better understand the views and priorities of communities through giving them the opportunity to express their opinions on policing in their local area. 

We are asking if you can help ensure as many people as possible have the opportunity to take part and have their say. The survey covers various themes, such as:

● Feeling of safety in local area
● Confidence in policing
● Respect for police
● Police performance and attitudes
● Concern about crime
● Feedback on contacting the police
● Suggestions for improvement of the police service

The survey can be accessed at the following link:

Accessible formats of the survey are available: an easy-read and British Sign Language of the survey are available via the above link.

What does the survey involve?
 Participants can choose which questions to fill out or leave blank.
 It should only take around 10 minutes to complete.
 All individual responses to the survey are anonymous.
 Findings will be utilised in reports and publications and be held securely, in line with the Data Protection Act 2018.
 At the end of the survey, we ask for personal details to ensure we receive a comprehensive range of responses. Please note that people do not have to answer these questions.

What will happen next?
Outcome 3 of our Joint Strategy for Policing (2020) creates the space within policingto inform our services using this rich insight. The feedback from Your Police survey helps in shaping our Annual Police Plan, which sets out what we will do to keep our communities safe. Annual Police Plan 2022/23 has been developed using your responses to last year's survey, along with focus groups, workshops and other ways we listen to communities.

We report the feedback from this survey in ways which are practical for policing and inform service delivery. A report is prepared each quarter for the Scottish Police Authority's "Policing Performance Committee".

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